Get-bADpasswords: Get insights into the actual strength and quality of passwords in Active Directory

compare password hashes of enabled Active Directory


Get insights into the actual strength and quality of passwords in Active Directory.

This module is able to compare password hashes of enabled Active Directory users against bad/weak/non-compliant passwords (e.g. hackers first guess in brute-force attacks).

  • Performs a comparison against one or multiple wordlists (s).
    • This script does not transform input from the wordlists (such as transforming between upper/lower case). Each input from the wordlist is used as-is. Use other tools to generate more specialized wordlists if necessary. A PoC-script has been included (New-bADpasswordLists_EN.ps1) for basic wordlist generation.
  • Performs additional comparison against publicly leaked passwords, see acknowledgments below.
  • Performs password comparison against ‘null’ in the Active Directory (i.e. finds empty/null passwords).
  • Performs password comparison between users in the Active Directory (i.e. finds shared passwords).
  • Requires ‘Domain Admin’ privileges or similar, e.g. ‘Domain Controller’ or delegated Domain-level permissions for both “Replicating Directory Changes All” and “Replicating Directory Changes All”, to successfully fetch passwords from the Active Directory database.
  • Choose a Domain Controller or a member server (will become a Tier 0 system) for executing the script, e.g. as a Scheduled Task.

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