If you want to edit or add new bypasses, you can add them directly to the specific file in the payloads folder and the tool will use it.
./dontgo403 -h
Command line application that automates different ways to bypass 40X codes.
dontgo403 [flags]
-b, --bypassIp string Try bypass tests with a specific IP address (or hostname). i.e.: 'X-Forwarded-For:' instead of 'X-Forwarded-For:'
-d, --delay int Set a delay (in ms) between each request. Default: 0ms
-f, --folder string Define payloads folder (if it's not in the same path as binary)
-H, --header strings Add a custom header to the requests (can be specified multiple times)
-h, --help help for dontgo403
--http Set HTTP schema for request-file requests (default HTTPS)
-t, --httpMethod string HTTP method to use (default 'GET')
-m, --max_goroutines int Set the max number of goroutines working at same time. Default: 50 (default 50)
-p, --proxy string Proxy URL. For example:
-r, --request-file string Path to request file to load flags from
-u, --uri string Target URL
-a, --useragent string Set the User-Agent string (default 'dontgo403')