DrSemu: Malware Detection and Classification Tool Based on Dynamic Behavior

Malware Detection

Dr.Semu Malware Detection and Classification Tool Based on Dynamic Behavior

Dr.Semu runs executables in an isolated environment monitors the behavior of a process and based on Dr.Semu rules created by you or the community detects if the process is malicious or not.

With Dr.Semu you can create rules to detect malware based on the dynamic behavior of a process.

Isolation through redirection

Everything happens from the user-mode. Windows Projected File System (ProjFS) is used to provide a virtual file system. For Registry redirection, it clones all Registry hives to a new location and redirects all Registry accesses.

See the source code for more about other redirections (process/objects isolation, etc).


Dr.Semu uses DynamoRIO (Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform) to intercept a thread when it’s about to cross the user-kernel line. It has the same effect as hooking SSDT but from the user-mode and without hooking anything.

At this phase, Dr.Semu produces a JSON file, which contains information from the interception.


After terminating the process, based on Dr.Semu rules we receive if the executable is detected as malware or not.

Dr.Semu Rules/Detections

Dr.Semu rules

They are written in Python or LUA (located under dr_rules) and use dynamic information from the interception and static information about the sample. It’s trivial to add support to other languages.


Example (Python): https://gist.github.com/secrary/ac89321b8a7bde998a6e3139be49eb72

Example (Lua): https://gist.github.com/secrary/e16daf698d466136229dc417d7dbcfa3


  • Use PowerShell to enable ProjFS in an elevated PowerShell window:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Client-ProjFS -NoRestart

DrSemu.exe –target file_path

DrSemu.exe –target files_directory



Copyright (C) 2019 secrary