Very vulnerable ARM/ARM64 application (CTF style exploitation tutorial for ARM/ARM64, but portable to other platforms).
Some of my friends asked me if I could do some examples of exploitable stuff I’ve seen in real-world the past years for ARM/others.
So, for training purposes, I thought: Why not 🙂
Current vulnerabilities:
Level 1: Integer overflow
Level 2: Stack overflow
Level 3: Array overflow
Level 4: Off by one
Level 5: Stack cookie
Level 6: Format string
Level 7: Heap overflow
Level 8: Structure redirection / Type confusion
Level 9: Zero pointers
Level 10: Command injection
Level 11: Path Traversal
Level 12: Basic ROP
Level 13: Use-after-free
Usage hints:
- For trying if it works : “qemu-arm-static -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/ ./exploit”
- Example debugging session:
$ sudo ./disableaslr.sh
(Disable aslr, don’t run if you want more fun) (Path dir1/dir2 needed in current exploit directory for Path Traversal vulnerability)
In the first terminal:
$ qemu-arm-static -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/ -g 1234 ./exploit [levelpassword] [options]
In the second terminal (make sure .gdbinit is in the same directory):
$ gdb-multiarch ./exploit - GDB Basics:
- After you’ve exploited correctly, you will see the password for the next level. So if level2 password would be “Level2”:$ qemu-arm-static -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/ ./exploit Level2
- For cheaters or people trying to understand with less instruction knowledge :See solution and source code in exploit.cpp
- There are more solutions possible, even with rop chains, not just my example solutions are given
- There are some hints printed to console (information leak), which you normally wouldn’t have, but these make things easier for beginners, that’s why I added it
- For cross-compiling the code for ARM:$ arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ –fno-stack-protector exploit.cpp -o exploit
Copyright (c) 2018 Bjoern Kerler