fastfinder: Fast suspicious file finder

suspicious file finder

FastFinder – Incident Response – Fast suspicious file finder

FastFinder is a lightweight tool made for threat hunting, live forensics, and triage on both Windows and Linux Platforms. It is focused on endpoint enumeration and suspicious file finding based on various criteria:

  • file-path / name
  • md5 / sha1 / sha256 checksum
  • simple string content match
  • complex content condition(s) based on YARA


Depending on where you are looking for files, FastFinder could be used with admin OR simple user rights.

Scan and export file match according to your needs

configuration examples are available there


path: [] # match file path AND / OR file name based on simple string
grep: [] # match literal string value inside file content
yara: [] # use yara rule and specify rules path(s) for more complex pattern search (wildcards / regex / conditions)
checksum: [] # parse for md5/sha1/sha256 in file content
contentMatchDependsOnPathMatch: true # if true, paths are a pre-filter for content searchs. If false, paths and content both generate matchs
findInHardDrives: true # enumerate hard drive content
findInRemovableDrives: true # enumerate removable drive content
findInNetworkDrives: true # enumerate network drive content
findInCDRomDrives: true # enumerate physical CD-ROM and mounted iso / vhd...
copyMatchingFiles: true # create a copy of every matching file
base64Files: true # base64 matched content before copy
filesCopyPath: '' # empty value will copy matched files in the fastfinder.exe folder


Note for input path:

  • ‘?’ for simple char and ‘\*’ for multiple chars, wildcards are available for simple string
  • environment variables are also available
  • regular expressions are allowed, they should be enclosed by //
  • input path is always case INSENSITIVE
  • input content grep strings are always case SENSITIVE
  • backslashes haven’t to be escaped on simple string pattern (see example)


Copyright (c) 2021 Jean-Pierre GARNIER