This Wednesday, the search giant officially announced Google Maps Platform, which helps third-party developers integrate many location-based features in application development through a simplified API. The first companies to benefit from these updates include online booking platforms and companies that need to track the location of vehicles in real time.
Google said that NetApp application integration of Google Maps navigation features can help passengers reach their destination faster and more securely. Google spokesman said: “The driver does not have to switch back and forth between applications, can view all passenger information in a unified place, more easily manage the network about the car and get to the destination faster.”
This feature is expected to help the company manage the day-to-day arrangements of the fleet, help locate vehicles in real time, view their travel destinations and route planning. In addition, the spokesperson stated that Google Maps is not just a map and navigation service. At present, the number of global users has exceeded 1 billion. It has become an important tool for the local recommendation and can understand the busy conditions of the restaurant and the parking position of the vehicle.