Google is stepping up its fight against cybercrime in India with a new pilot program for Google Play Protect. This enhanced fraud protection feature aims to shield Android users from malicious apps that often lead to financial scams. This move comes in response to the alarming rise of cyber fraud in India, where losses have already exceeded ₹1,750 crore (over $212 million USD) in the first four months of 2024 alone, according to the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C).
“Fraud and scams cost consumers more than $1 trillion in losses globally, and it’s one of the most common forms of cyber crime that India witnesses,” Google stated in their official announcement.
This enhanced protection focuses on apps installed from sources outside of the Google Play Store, such as web browsers and messaging apps, which Google refers to as “Internet-sideloading“. Google’s analysis revealed that “over 95 percent of installations” of malicious apps exploiting sensitive permissions “came from Internet-sideloading sources.“
The enhanced fraud protection feature works by analyzing apps in real-time and automatically blocking those that request permissions frequently misused for financial fraud. These include permissions that allow apps to:
- Intercept one-time passwords:
- Spy on screen content:
“After the pilot begins,” Google explains, “when a user in India attempts to install an application from an Internet-sideloading source and any of these four permissions are declared, Play Protect will automatically block the installation with an explanation to the user.“
This pilot program builds on the success of similar initiatives already launched in Singapore, Thailand, and Brazil. Notably, in Singapore alone, this enhanced protection has blocked nearly 900,000 high-risk installations.
Google is encouraging developers to review the permissions their apps request and adhere to best practices for safeguarding user data. Resources and guidance are available for developers to address potential issues and file appeals if needed.
The pilot program for enhanced financial fraud protection is set to commence next month and will gradually roll out to all Android devices with Google Play services in India.
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