Google announced that due to changes in the network, the URL shortening service launched in 2009 will be closed next month. The short URL feature is mainly to convert long URLs into simple and easy to enter or share URLs. Google software engineer Michael Hermanto stated that after the, the industry has also seen many popular short URL services, plus people’s access. The approach to web content has changed dramatically from desktop web pages to programs, devices, and voice assistants; therefore, Google decided to close the short URL feature on April 13 of this year and replace it with Firebase Dynamic Linking.
Google will replace the service with Firebase Dynamic Link (FDL). The new smart URL can be linked to any location in any iOS, Android or web application.
No new short links will be created after April 13 and users can now manage them through the console. All links are still valid, but the console will not be accessible after March 30, 2019. Google recommends creating an FDL from now on or using other shortening services such as Bitly and
Source: Engadget