The South American hacker group LAPSUS, which previously leaked confidential Nvidia data, launched a vote on its subscription channel a few days ago, claiming to be preparing for the next data breach. Alternatives include multinational telecommunications company Vodafone, Portuguese media group Impresa, Argentinian e-commerce site Megado, and the platform’s online payment system. Vodafone currently has the highest number of votes, and Lapsus$ claims it has 200 gigabytes worth of Vodafone source code.
The multinational telecommunications company Vodafone issued a response saying that it had noticed the instructions put forward by the hacker group, but the company has not yet been able to confirm the credibility of the relevant data.
Speaking to CNBC, Vodafone said:
“We are investigating the claim together with law enforcement, and at this point we cannot comment on the credibility of the claim. However, what we can say is that generally the types of repositories referenced in the claim contain proprietary source code and do not contain customer data.”
Vodafone’s statement mainly emphasizes that it will not lead to user data leakage. It is unclear whether the source code stolen by hackers will cause security problems. In addition, Vodafone said that it has cooperated with law enforcement agencies to investigate the incident. If there is news in the future, Vodafone will issue an announcement in time to explain. According to the expiration time set by the hacker within their channel, the poll closes at 00:00 on March 13, 2022, so the Vodafone source code may be released soon.