Recently, at the 34C3 hacker conference in Germany, hackers Plutoo, Derrek and Naehrwert introduced how they can exploit the kernel vulnerability to bypass the protection and verification mechanism of Nintendo Switch to successfully obtain the highest authority of the host.
Although hackers said they would not release the kernel vulnerability, their demo video has given technical people enough tips to crack.
Another highlight is that they cracked the Switch using its GPU: Nvidia Tegra X1. The hackers said the NVIDIA X1 backup documentation gave them enough detail to easily bypass the SMMU (memory management unit) protection mechanism. “Just search for ‘bypass the SMMU’ in the documentation”, Plutoo says. He concludes: “Nvidia Backdoored themselves”.
Like other game consoles, Hack requires a fixed version and does not have internet access, and the software version that Switch currently hacks is 3.0.
In addition, the hacker Plutoo promises home-made system will be “coming soon”, friends who play games should know what it means the homemade system, in short, hope that Nintendo fixes system vulnerabilities as soon as possible.
Reference: wololo