According to foreign media reports, on Thursday local time, Forever 21 confirmed that its customers paid bank card information was exposed to hackers. However, the company did not disclose the number of affected clients, only saying that transactions that took place between April 3 and November 18 this year were affected. Hackers collect credit card numbers, card expiration dates, verification codes and even the cardholder’s name.
In a note to consumers, Forever 21 wrote: “We apologize for the incident and apologize for any worries.”
According to the company Perak, hackers installed malicious software at sales outlets in some stores to achieve cyber-attacks. This is yet another example of a cybercriminal’s cyber-attack on a large retail outlet. Chipotle, the fast-food chain, and GameStop, a video-game retailer, have all faced similar attacks this year.
While major companies have the technology to stop hacking, they do not always have them. Forever 21 believes that its sales terminals should all be encrypted. This means that no one can intercept the above information and read. Forever 21 said, but sometimes encryption may be turned off. The result is a hacker attack, guest credit card numbers and other information was leaked. In addition, Forever 21 said they are now investigating the cyber-attacks.
Reference: cnet