The modern processor, which has been exposed since the beginning of the year, has pushed chip maker Intel to the forefront due to the specter and the leakiness of design issues.
Even if Intel has introduced multiple microcode updates, it does not completely solve the problem, because if you want to solve the problem completely, you have to redesign the processor.
In view of this, Intel Corporation has added hardware-based protection measures to the new processors. This protection can block ghosts and blowouts.
Earlier, Microsoft and Google’s security researchers jointly announced the discovery of new variants of Spectre and Meltdown security breaches, also speculating on execution issues.
At present, Intel Corporation has also admitted that its processor is attacked by a new variant of vulnerability that can be used by attackers to access memory to read sensitive data.
In fact, the new variant can also execute malicious code through the browser and then steal data, so it is no less harmful than the ghost and the fuse hole.
The latest release of THREATPOST from foreign technology media shows that Intel’s new processors may not be able to repair new variants.
However, sources who disclosed the news said that Intel has prepared microcode to repair, which is to return to the current software-based repair strategy.
At present, most of the users concerned about the ghosting and the fuse-breaking loops are whether or not they can be completely repaired and repaired at the software level will affect the performance of the processor.
It is now certain that older processors (now all released) can only be updated with microcode, and that the repairs will affect processor performance.
As for the new processor that will be released in the second half of 2018, whether the repair of new variants will affect the overall performance of the processor is temporarily unknown.
Intel will introduce more microcode updates in the second half to strengthen the blocking of vulnerabilities, so even users with performance impacts need to continue to install updates.