Invoke-Apex v1.0.3 releases: PowerShell-based toolkit for use in red team, post-exploitation



Invoke-Apex is a PowerShell-based toolkit consisting of a collection of techniques and tradecraft for use in red team, post-exploitation, adversary simulation, or other offensive security tasks.  It can also be useful in identifying lapses in “malicious” activity detection processes for defenders as well.

I wrote this toolkit with the intention of obtaining a deeper understanding of the techniques in use by real-world adversaries (APTs) while applying similar techniques in my work (Pentesting).  I also wanted to create a tool that could act a starting “point” (hence “Apex”) with regard to post-exploitation of a target system.  I’m sure there are some bugs, and some of the code could probably (very likely) be more efficient (I’m not a “developer” by any stretch of the imagination) … but hey, it appears to serve its purpose for the time being. 😉

Any techniques, where applicable, are credited within the source code of the included .ps1 scripts, so thanks to everyone who contributes to offensive/defensive security research!  If I forgot to mention or credit a technique to a particular researcher, don’t hesitate to ping me and I’ll add it to the source.  For the most part, many of the techniques were derived from Mitre ATT&CK and the LOLBAS projects.

The Mitre ATT&CK Reference component

Each technique or method in the toolkit is mapped back to a Mitre ATT&CK Technique ID where applicable, and the techniques and modules which they can be found in can be viewed with the Invoke-MitreReference -Help command.

PS> Invoke-MitreReference -Help

PS> Invoke-MitreReference -Help



Module: Invoke-Creds
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1056 (Input Capture)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1081 (Credentials in Files)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1003 (Credential Dumping)

Module: Invoke-DefenderTools
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1211 (Exploitation for Defense Evasion)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1089 (Disabling Security Tools)

Module: Invoke-Download
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1105 (Remote File Copy)

Module: Invoke-Execute
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1086 (PowerShell)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1085 (Rundll32)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1047 (Windows Management Instrumentation)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1220 (XSL Script Processing)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1028 (Windows Remote Management)
Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1218 (Signed Binary Proxy Execution)





You can also lookup which Mitre ATT&CK techniques are in use, and in which modules with the -Tid parameter and specifying a Mitre ATT&CK Technique ID as a value:

PS> Invoke-MitreReference -Tid 1352

Modules using Mitre ATT&CK Ref: T1352 (C2 Protocol Development):

[+] Module: Invoke-Connect




Listing all available functions

PS> Invoke-Apex

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Post-Exploitation Toolkit Y88b
By: Fabrizio Siciliano (@0rbz_) V1.0

[*] Usage: [Function-Name] -Help (Shows Help for each command within a function)
[*] Usage: [Function-Name] -List (Summary list of available commands within a function)

[*] Example: Invoke-DefenderTools -Help
[*] Example: Invoke-DefenderTools -List

CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Invoke-Apex 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Connect 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Creds 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-DefenderTools 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Download 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Execute 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Exfil 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-GlasswireExceptions 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-MitreReference 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Persistence 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Privesc 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-Sysinfo 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-TCPScan 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-TimeStomp 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function Invoke-XuLiE 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function New-Lnk 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function New-PsDat 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function New-PsTask 1.0 Invoke-Apex
Function New-Reverse 1.0 Invoke-Apex




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