isip: Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks
Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks.
git clone
cd isip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Packet manipulation tools are in packet cmd loop. First start, you are in the main cmd loop.
isip:main> packet
Create a new sip packet with new command. If you don’t write name, isip create the packet named by message-{id}.
isip:packet> new
isip:packet> new r1
List the all created sip packets with list command.
isip:packet> list
Show properties of packets with show command. You can type ip, udp or sip with show command.
isip:packet> show message-1
isip:packet> show message-1 ip
isip:packet> show message-1 udp
isip:packet> show message-1 sip
isip:packet> show message-1 ip src
isip:packet> show message-1 udp sport
isip:packet> show message-1 sip uri
isip:packet> show message-1 sip
Set the properties of packets with set command. You can type ip, udp or sip and properties label with show command.
isip> set message-1 ip src
isip> set message-1 udp sport 4545
isip> set message-1 sip method OPTIONS
isip> set message-1 sip headers.from “blabla“
Set the random properties of packets with set command. You can use with random-headers-from, random-headers-to, random-headers-call-id, random-headers-max-forwards, random-headers-user-agent, random-headers-contact, random-headers-invite-cseq, random-headers-register-cseq commands.
isip:packet> set message-1 ip src random-ip
isip:packet> set message-1 udp sport random-port
isip:packet> set message-1 sip headers.from random-headers-from
isip:packet> set message-1 sip random-headers-to
isip:packet> set message-1 sip random-headers-contact
isip:packet> set message-1 sip body random-data 50
Send the packet with send command.
isip:packet> send message-1 1
isip:packet> send message-1 150
Parse the text file to packet with parse command.
isip:packet> parse test/test1.txt r1
Load the packets from pcap file with load command. If you don’t write name, isip create the packet named by message-{id}.
isip:packet> load test.pcap r1
isip:packet> load test.pcap
Save the packets tp pcap file with save command. You can save the packet list just single command.
isip:packet> save r1 test.pcap
isip:packet> save r2 test.pcap # assume you have r2.0, r2.1, r2.2, r2.3 …
Open the Wireshark for packets with Wireshark command.
isip:packet> wireshark r1
isip:packet> wireshark r2 # assume you have r2.0, r2.1, r2.2, r2.3 …
List the history with hist command.
isip:packet> hist
Execute the shell command with shell or !.
isip:packet> shell ls -la
isip:packet> ! cat /etc/passwd
Show the help page with ? or help command.
isip> ?
isip> help
isip:packet> ?
isip:packet> help
isip:packet> help new
isip:packet> help send
isip:packet> help set
isip:packet> help show