Jenkins Attack Framework

Jenkins Attack Framework

Jenkins Attack Framework

This project can currently perform the following tasks:

  • AccessCheck: Test credentials and provide a rough overview of their access levels
  • ConsoleOutput: Dump the console output of the last build of every job on the server (Can be Gigabytes of data, but good for finding credentials)
  • CreateAPIToken: Creates an API Token for the current user (Or another user if you have administrative credentials)
  • DeleteAPIToken: Deletes an API Token for the current user (Or another user if you have administrative credentials. Lists existing ones if no token supplied)
  • DeleteJob: Delete a Job, or failing that, attempt a number of follow-up mitigations from most-to-least effective.
  • DumpCreds: Dump credentials (Uses administrative credentials to dump credentials via Jenkins Console)
  • DumpCredsViaJob: Dump credentials via job creation and explicit enumeration (User needs at least Add Job permissions)
  • ListAPITokens: List existing API tokens for the current user (Or another user if you have administrative credentials)
  • ListJobs: List existing Jenkins Jobs (Good For finding specific jobs)
  • RunCommand: Run system command and get output/errors back (Uses administrative credentials and Jenkins Console)
  • RunJob: Upload a script and run it as a job. Also, run “Ghost Jobs” that don’t terminate or show up in Jenkins (after launch)
  • RunScript: Run Groovy scripts (Uses administrative credentials to run a Groovy Script via Jenkins Console)
  • UploadFile: Upload a file (Uses administrative credentials and chunked uploading via Jenkins Console)
  • WhoAmI: Get the credentialed user’s Jenkins groups (Usually contains their domain groups)
  • More things are in the works…


git clone
cd jaf
chmod +x jaf
sudo ./jaf –install
./jaf –install


Jenkins Attack Framework


Copyright (c) 2021 Accenture