kalirouter: intercepting kali router
This repository contains code to turn your Kali Linux machine into a router that
- records all traffic with wireshark
- sends HTTP and HTTPS traffic to an intercepting proxy, such as BurpSuite, running on another machine.
Read Setup and Automation to configure your Kali Linux machine and run the scripts.
Read A Raspberry Pi Kali Router if you want to run this on a Raspberry Pi.
We assume that you own an Ethernet LAN Network USB Adapter and a wireless B/G/N USB adapter.
Intercepting IP traffic originating from any device, app, or application
Intercepting IP traffic for any device, app, or application
- Introduction
- Setup
- Configuring Kali Linux as a Router
- Sniffing and Intercepting Traffic
- Automation
- Intercepting Communication from Embedded Devices, Android Apps, and Windows Applications
- A Raspberry Pi Kali Router
- Conclusion
- References