LDAP Password Hunter
It happens that due to legacy services requirements or just bad security practices passwords are world-readable in the LDAP database by any user who is able to authenticate.
LDAP Password Hunter is a tool which wraps features of getTGT.py (Impacket) and ldapsearch in order to look up passwords stored in the LDAP database. Impacket getTGT.py script is used in order to authenticate the domain account used for enumeration and save its TGT Kerberos ticket. TGT ticket is then exported in KRB5CCNAME variable which is used by ldapsearch script to authenticate and obtain TGS Kerberos tickets for each domain/DC LDAP-Password-Hunter is running for. Based on the CN=Schema,CN=Configuration export results a custom list of attributes is built and filtered in order to identify a big query which might contain interesting results. Results are shown and saved in a sqlite3 database. The DB is made of one table containing the following columns:
- DistinguishedName
- AttributeName
- Value
- Domain
Results are way more clean than the previous version and organized in the SQL DB. The output shows the entries found only if they are not in DB, so new entries pop up but the overall outcome of the analysis is still saved in a file with a timestamp.
git clone https://github.com/oldboy21/LDAP-Password-Hunter.git
Be sure your krb5.conf file is clean and the domains.txt and conf.txt are filled properly.
From the project folder:
Copyright (C) 2021 oldboy21
Source: https://github.com/oldboy21/