This is the repository containing Leonidas, a framework for executing attacker actions in the cloud. It provides a YAML-based format for defining cloud attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and their associated detection properties. These definitions can then be compiled into:
- A web API exposing each test case as an individual endpoint
- Sigma rules (https://github.com/Neo23x0/sigma) for detection
- Documentation – see http://detectioninthe.cloud/ for an example
Authenticating to Leonidas
Requests to any endpoint that will execute an action require that an API key be supplied. 2 API keys are automatically generated as part of the deployment process. To acquire an API key:
- aws apigateway get-api-keys, note the -id field from the key you need the secret for
- aws apigateway get-api-key –include-value –api-key [KEY-ID] | jq -r .value
- These API keys can be supplied with requests by setting the x-api-key header on any requests made to Leonidas
Executing Test Cases
Test cases are executed by making post requests to the API. Visiting the URL discussed above will present an OpenAPI interface, which will explain the different endpoints, parameters that can be passed, and so on. The OpenAPI interface will also provide example curl commands that can be executed on the command line. You’ll need to add the following argument to any curl commands so that the API gateway accepts the request, where APIKEY is the API key gathered in the previous section:
-H “x-api-key: APIKEY”
In addition, an OpenAPI definition file is available at /swagger.json. This can be imported into Postman, Insomnia, and other common API development tools, which can then also be used to execute these test cases.
Leo – Test Case Orchestrator
Leo is a helper script designed to make it easier to execute killchains as a whole, as opposed to individual test cases. To execute a suite of test cases in Leonidas in an automated fashion. To set Leo up, run the following:
- pip install poetry
- cd ./leo
- poetry install
To generate the config file for Leo:
- cd generator && poetry run python generator.py leo to generate the test case definitions for Leo
- cp ./output/caseconfig/caseconfig.yml ./leo
- edit the caseconfig.yml file in ./leo to set the URL, API gateway API key, and to modify/reorder/remove test cases as required
To execute the cases you’ve configured:
- poetry run ./leo.py caseconfig.yml
Identity Management
Leonidas, by default, will execute test cases using the role assigned to the serverless function. For AWS, This role is created with a policy that contains all the permissions listed as necessary in the test case, along with sts:AssumeRole. However, it also supports two alternative mechanisms to execute test cases under a different identity
Role Assumption
It is possible to execute test cases as an arbitrary role by submitting the role_arn parameter as part of a request. This should be set to the ARN of the role to be assumed.
AWS Access Keys
Submitting access_key_id and secret_access_key parameters containing the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key respectively will cause Leonidas to execute a test case using those credentials.
Copyright (c) 2020 F-Secure LABS