What is Matano?
Matano is an open-source security lake platform for AWS. It lets you ingest petabytes of security and log data from various sources, store and query them in a data lake, and create Python detections as code for real-time alerting. Matano is fully serverless and designed specifically for AWS and focuses on enabling high scale, low cost, and zero-ops. Matano deploys fully into your AWS account.
Collect data from all your sources
Matano lets you collect log data from sources using S3 or Kafka-based ingestion.
Ingest, transform, normalize log data
Matano normalizes and transforms your data using VRL. Matano works with the Elastic Common Schema by default and you can define your own schema.
Store data in S3 object storage
Log data is always stored in S3 object storage, for cost-effective, long-term, durable storage.
Apache Iceberg Data lake
All data is ingested into an Apache Iceberg-based data lake, allowing you to perform ACID transactions, time travel, and more on all your log data.
Matano is a fully serverless platform, designed for zero-ops and unlimited elastic horizontal scaling.
Detections as code
Write Python detections to implement real-time alerting on your log data.
Install & Use
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