msfenum: A Metasploit auto auxiliary script


Metasploit auto auxiliary script (msfenum)

Msfenum simplifies running multiple auxiliary modules on a specific set of targets. Running a low hanging fruit scan within a penetration test can be very useful, for example, to find open shares or vulnerable services quickly.

The Metasploit framework offers lots of useful auxiliary modules to perform low hanging fruit scans. This script simply runs all the auxiliary modules specified in the config files against the specified targets. All settings can be modified per auxiliary module and new modules can be added easily.


  • logs/
    • Contains all results after running the script
  • modules/
    • Contains all configuration per auxiliary module
  • config
    • Contains global configuration settings
  • msfenum.log
    • Some logging generated when running
    • The main script


git clone


Modify the “config” file. Change the CHANGEME values in the “settings” key, otherwise, those modules will not run.

python [-h] [-t [THREADS]] [-p [PROJECT]] TARGET_FILE

-t [THREADS], Number of threads

-p [PROJECT], Project name

Result example

All raw results generated by Metasploit are stored within separate files in the “logs/” directory. If you specified a project name, this name is used as a folder name. Otherwise, the current Unix timestamp is used. After running the script, a summary is printed to get an overview of successful findings:


Copyright (C) 2018 wez3
