novahot v1.1.0 releases: A webshell framework for penetration testers


novahot is a webshell framework for penetration testers. It implements a JSON-based API that can communicate with trojans written in any language. By default, it ships with trojans written in PHP, Ruby, and python.


Image: malware

Beyond executing system commands, novahot is able to emulate interactive terminals, including,mysql sqlite3, and psql. It additionally implements “virtual commands” that make it possible to upload, download, edit, and view remote files locally using your preferred applications.



  • – Updated dependencies
  • Implemented support for newer versions of node
  • Implemented vagrant/docker laboratory environment
  • Implemented automatic syntax highlighting on edited files
  • Various bug fixes


Install the executable directly from npm:

[sudo] npm install -g novahot

Then seed a config file:

novahot config > ~/.novahotrc


  1. View the available trojans with novahot trojan list.
  2. Select a trojan in a language that is appropriate for your target, then copy its source to a new file. (Ex: novahot trojan view basic.php > ~/my-trojan.php)
  3. Change the control password in the newly-created trojan.
  4. Upload the trojan to a web-accessible location on the target.
  5. Configure target information in the targets property in ~/.novahotrc.
  6. Run novahot shell <target> to open a shell.

Virtual Commands

novahot implements four “virtual commands” that utilize payloads built into the Trojans to extend the functionality of the shell:


download <remote-filename> [<local-filename>]

Downloads <remote-filename> to –download-dir, and optionally renames it to <local-filename> if specified.


upload <local-filename> [<remote-filename>]

Uploads <local-filename> to the shell’s cwd, and optionally renames <local-filename> to <remote-filename> if specified.


view <remote-filename> [<local-filename>]

Downloads <remote-filename> to –download-dir, and optionally renames it to <local-filename> After downloading, the file will be opened by the “viewer” application specified in the configs.


edit <remote-filename>

Downloads <remote-filename> to a temporary file, and then open that file for editing using the “editor” specified in the configs. Afterward, if changes to the file are saved locally, the file will be re-uploaded to the server automatically.


Copyright (C) 2018 Christopher Allen Lane
