Obfu[DE]scate: De-obfuscation and Comparison tool for Android APKs
Obfu[DE]scate is a Python tool designed to simplify the process of de-obfuscating and comparing two versions of an Android APK – even if the functions have been renamed as part of obfuscation. With fuzzy comparison logic, Obfu[DE]scate can identify similarities between functions and help you uncover changes between APK versions.
Getting started with Obfu[DE]scate is easy! Follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/user1342/Obfu-DE-Scate.git
- Install the dependencies manually or via the included requirements file using the following command:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
- Download APKTool for your system from their website. and make sure it’s installed and available in your PATH.
Obfu[DE]scate has been tested on Windows 11 but should work on other systems as well.
Obfu[DE]scate provides several command-line options to customize its behavior:
Shorthand | Parameter | Description | Required |
-a1 | apk_file_path_1 | The path to the original APK. This is the APK that the second APK will be compared against (i.e. an older version of the APK) | True |
-a2 | apk_file_path_2 | The path to the newer APK. The output will show changes between APK 1 and this APK. | True |
-cp | class_path | A reverse domain notation path that will be used to filter reviewed functions (i.e. provide com.example.class to only compare functions on this path). | False |
-o | output_dir | A directory to save the output mapping, html, and dissasembled APKs to. | False |
-apktool | apk_tool_path | If APKTool is not on your path use this parameter to tell ObfuDeScate where APKTool is located. | False |
To compare two APK files, simply run Obfu[DE]scate with the following command:
python ObfuDeScate.py -a1 “old_example.apk“ -a2 “new_example.apk“ -cp “com.example.path“
In the above example, Obfu[DE]scate will review all functions in the old_example.apk APK at the class path com.example.path and compare them against all functions found at the same class path in new_example.apk.
🔎 Outputs
Obfu[DE]scate generates two output files: a mapping file in newline-separated list format, and an interactive HTML file. These output files include:
- mapping.txt – A newline separated text file with each line relating to an identified match between a method in APK1 and APK2. The format for these lines is such as com.chess.play.ObserveGameHelperImpl.d -> com.chess.play.ObserveGameHelperImpl.a .
- output.html – A HTML file that when opened in a web browser lists all functions in APK1. These are dropdowns that when clicked show the matched method in APK2 (if any), the confidence of them being a match, and the codeblock in SMALI for that method from APK1 and APK2.
Copyright (C) 2023 James Stevenson
Source: https://github.com/user1342/