PersistAssist is a fully modular persistence framework written in C#. All persistence techniques contain a cleanup method which will serve to remove the persistence aside from the persistence code. This is a WIP so there are many empty classes, the main object of this project initially was to build out a fully modular framework meant to make adding new features as simple as inheriting a class and adding the code.
This module will store persistence techniques available to the framework
- Registry:
- GenericRegAdd – Add any arbitrary registry key
- RunKeys – Registers a RunKey on either HKLM or HKCU
- UserInitMprLogonScript – Deploys UserInitMprLogonScript. Functions the same as a Run Key
- MSBuild:
- InlineTasks – Deploys MSBuild InlineTask-based payload. Drops file to disk
OverrideTask – Deploys MSBuild OverrideTask-based persistence. Drops file to disk and require admin access
- InlineTasks – Deploys MSBuild InlineTask-based payload. Drops file to disk
- WMI:
- ActiveScript – Create an ActiveScriptEventConsumer based WMI subscription
CommandLine – Create an CommandLineEventConsumer based WMI subscription
- ActiveScript – Create an ActiveScriptEventConsumer based WMI subscription
- Misc:
- NotepadPlugin – Backdoors notepad++ by creating a malicious plugin
- PSProfile – Backdoors PowerShell profile files
- StartupFolder – Drops a shortcut to a startup path
This module will contain various post-exploitation capabilities available to the framework
- SvcList – Lists services on a machine
- Creds – Cred operations
- FileRead – Reads a file in memory to get around having to download files for reading
- ProcList – Lists running processes
- RegList – Lists contents of specified registry key
- SchList – Lists scheduled tasks on a machine
- TimeStomp – Modifies file and directory time stamps. Does not modify Entry timestamp
- WMIQuery – Run an arbitrary WMI Query
This module will contain payloads that can be used for various persistence operations
- HelloWorld – hola mundo
- PopCalc – Pops calc