Last week, Galaxy S8/S8 + users feel happy that Samsung started pushing Android Oreo updated. Today, Samsung admitted that this round of updates will lead to a random reboot of equipment, has now suspended the deployment of this version.
Samsung Electronics said in a statement:
We have immediately stopped the release of this release after a random reboot after a small number of Galaxy S8 / S8 + devices were found to have Android 8.0 Oreo upgraded.
We are investigating this issue internally to ensure that the negative impact on the affected equipment is minimized and the update is resumed as soon as possible.
Often, Samsung will push the new Android version to the handset after months of harsh tests, so surprisingly it is a restart. Currently, Samsung launches the Android Oreo Update only in Turkey, Norway, UAE, India, Belgium, Germany, France, and Poland. Those who have already installed the update can continue to use it, but users who downloaded the firmware to the phone but did not install it automatically delete the files from their phone.
Source: sammobile