Sqlvet performs static analysis on raw SQL queries in your Go codebase to surface potential runtime errors at build time.
Feature highlights:
- Check for SQL syntax error
- Identify unsafe queries that could potentially lead to SQL injections
- For INSERT statements, make sure column count matches value count
- Validate table names
- Validate column names
Changelog 1.1.7
- Proposal: add a simple contribution guide by @samiam2013 in #24
- add basic support for view by @valichek in #28
- support join select by @valichek in #29
- update pg_query_go to v4 by @valichek in #31
- Golang 1.22.x by @sergeydobrodey in #34
Zero conf
It should work out of the box for any Go project using go modules:
Note: unreachable code will be skipped.
Schema validation
To enable more in-depth analysis, create a sqlvet.toml config file at the root of your project and specify the path to a database schema file:
Customer query functions and libraries
By default, it checks all calls to query function in database/sql, github.com/jmoiron/sqlx, github.com/jinzhu/gorm, and go-gorp/gorp libraries. You can however configure it to white-list arbitrary query functions like the below:
The above config tells sqlvet to analyze any function/method from github.com/mattermost/gorp package that has the first parameter named either query or sql.
You can also match query functions by names:
The above config tells sqlvet to analyze the second parameter of any function/method named NamedExecContext in the github.com/jmoiron/sqlx package.
Ignore false positives
To skip a false positive, annotate the relevant line with sqlvet: ignore comment:
Copyright (c) 2019- QP Hou
Source: https://github.com/houqp/