The Knownsec 404 Advanced Threat Intelligence team has uncovered a sophisticated and evolving threat from the APT-K-47...
A recent report from Cloudforce One has detailed a cyber espionage campaign orchestrated by a threat actor...
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added a recently patched Microsoft vulnerability (CVE-2024-29988) to its...
In September 2023, the infamous Russian-linked cyber-espionage group APT29 flexed its muscle again, this time targeting embassies...
Indian governmental structures and the defense sector have become the targets of a sophisticated hacker attack, leveraging...
In the digital battlegrounds of modern warfare, a new adversary has emerged, codenamed ‘UAC-0099’. This nefarious cyber...
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, a new name has emerged from the shadows, sending chills down...
In recent weeks, alarming revelations emerged from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG). They’ve identified multiple state-sponsored hacking...
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added two critical security vulnerabilities to its Known...
In the digital age, few tools have garnered the universal familiarity of WinRAR. With over 500 million...