PoC Released for CVE-2023-4911 That Impacts Major Linux Distributions
The world of Linux users has been abuzz for the past couple of days, and for good reason. A previously identified security flaw in the GNU C library’s ld.so dynamic...
The world of Linux users has been abuzz for the past couple of days, and for good reason. A previously identified security flaw in the GNU C library’s ld.so dynamic...
A security researcher has published details and proof-of-concept (PoC) code for a macOS CVE-2023-32364 vulnerability that could be exploited to escape a sandbox and execute code within the Terminal. The...
Proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code has been released for a critical CVE-2023-29357 vulnerability allowing the elevation of privilege without authentication in Microsoft SharePoint Server products. With an alarming CVSS score of...
The technical detail and proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code has been published for a Chrome zero-day vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-4863 which allows remote attackers to execute code. The security received a...
Apache Superset is a popular open-source tool for data visualization and exploration. However, a recent vulnerability has been discovered that could allow attackers to bypass authentication and gain unauthorized access...
A cybersecurity researcher has released the details, and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-28229) that exists in Windows CNG Key Isolation. The vulnerability, which has a CVSS score...
A proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code has been made available for the recently disclosed critical security flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-36664, affecting the popular Ghostscript open-source PDF library, making it imperative that...
A proof-of-concept (PoC) for CVE-2023-3519, a critical vulnerability in Citrix ADC that allows remote code execution, has been published last weekend. CVE-2023-3519 is not simply another item in an ever-growing...
A specter is haunting the world of mobile device management – the specter of a zero-day authentication bypass vulnerability. With a proof-of-concept exploit code for the vulnerability released, the stakes...
CloudPanel is a free and modern server control panel that allows users to configure and manage their servers with ease. However, a recently discovered vulnerability in CloudPanel 2 could allow...
Exploit code for a severe zero-day vulnerability affecting the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) is now in the open, being actively manipulated by nefarious actors. Microsoft has responded by...
Researchers have released a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for an RCE vulnerability in VMware’s Aria Operations for Networks, a toolset frequently leveraged by enterprise-scale networks. This security loophole paves the way...
GitLab, the ubiquitous platform enabling seamless collaboration for millions of developers worldwide, has recently released an emergency security update, version 16.0.1. This update tackles a critical path traversal flaw, labeled...
In an era where digital security is paramount, vigilance is our watchword. A recent vulnerability uncovered in Apache HTTP Server has shone a spotlight on the importance of keeping our...
Microsoft’s venerated Message Queuing service—MSMQ, an integral part of its Windows operating system, has been found to harbor a severe security vulnerability. Identified as CVE-2023-21554 and ranked with a high...