Google launched Project Treble after releasing Android 8.0 last year. The project focuses on modular systems, reduces the amount of work required for device updates, and ultimately helps reduce fragmentation of the Android ecosystem. This work seems to have achieved results.
Google recently released a beta version of the next-generation system, Android P Beta, which was released not only to support Google’s own devices but also to support Nokia, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Essential, Vivo, Sony, and Oppo brands. Project Treble Project Manager and Vice President of Corporate Engineering interview about their efforts to reduce fragmentation.
AOSP open source code only constitutes the operating system code; it does not run on the hardware, Android to be able to run on the equipment also requires a combination of Board Support Package (BSP) and other necessary code. BSP provide by chip vendors such as Qualcomm, MediaTek, and Samsung. Usually, after the release of the new version of AOSP, it will take three months for Qualcomm to release the corresponding BSP.
To reduce this time, Google is working closely with chip vendors such as Qualcomm to contribute code to AOSP and work together in the same code base.
Source, Image: arstechnica