urlhunter is a recon tool that allows searching on URLs that are exposed via shortener services such as bit.ly and goo.gl. The project is written in Go.
A group named URLTeam (kudos to them) are brute-forcing the URL shortener services and publishing matched results on a daily basis. urlhunter downloads their collections and lets you analyze them.
urlhunter requires 3 parameters to run: -keywords, -date, and -o.
For example urlhunter -keywords keywords.txt -date 2020-11-20 -o out.txt
You need to specify the txt file that contains keywords to search on URLs. Keywords must be written line by line. You have three different ways to specify keywords:
Single Keyword: it will search the given keyword as a substring. For example:
acme.com keyword will both match https://acme.com/blabla and https://another.com/?referrer=acme.com
Multiple Keywords: it will search the given keywords with an AND logic. Which means, a URL must include all the provided keywords. Keywords must be separated with, character. For example:
acme.com,admin will match https://acme.com/secret/adminpanel but won’t match https://acme.com/somethingelse
Regex Values: it will search for the given regex value. In the keyword file, the line that contains a regular expression formula must start with the regex string. The format is regex REGEXFORMULA. For example:
regex 1\d{10} will match https://example.com/index.php?id=12938454312 but won’t match https://example.com/index.php?id=abc223
it downloads the archive files of the given date(s). You have three different ways to specify the date:
Latest: it will download the latest archive. -date latest
Single Date: it will download the archive of the given date. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
For example: -date 2020-11-20
Date Range: it will download all the archives between the given start and end dates.
For example: -date 2020-11-10:2020-11-20
You can specify the output file with the -o parameter. For example -o out.txt
Changelog v0.1.2
- Output Shortlinks and refactor searching code
Copyright (c) 2020 Utku Sen
Source: https://github.com/utkusen/