Vulnerable Node: vulnerable web site written in NodeJS

vulnerable node

Vulnerable Node

What’s this project?

The goal of this project is to be a project with really vulnerable code in NodeJS, not simulated.


A similar project, like OWASP Node Goat, is pretty and useful for learning process but not for a real researcher or studying vulnerabilities in source code, because their code is not really vulnerable but simulated.

This project was created with the purpose of having a project with identified vulnerabilities in source code with the finality of can measure the quality of security analyzers tools.

Although not its main objective, this project also can be useful for:

  • Pentesting training.
  • Teaching: learn how NOT programming in NodeJS.

The purpose of the project is to provide a real app to test the quality of security source code analyzers in white box processing.

Vulnerability list:

This project has the most common vulnerabilities of OWASP Top 10 <>:

  • A1 – Injection
  • A2 – Broken Authentication and Session Management
  • A3 – Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • A4 – Insecure Direct Object References
  • A5 – Security Misconfiguration
  • A6 – Sensitive Data Exposure
  • A8 – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • A10 – Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards


# git clone vulnerable-node

# cd vulnerable-node/
# docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Building postgres_db
Step 1 : FROM library/postgres
---> 247a11721cbd
Step 2 : MAINTAINER "Daniel Garcia aka (cr0hn)" <>
---> Using cache
---> d67c05e9e2d5
Step 3 : ADD init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/


Once docker composes was finished, we can open a browser and type the URL: (or the IP where you deployed the project):

Login screen

To access the website you can use displayed on the landing page:

  • admin: admin
  • roberto: asdfpiuw981

Here some images of the site:

home screen


purchased products

Copyright (c) – cr0hn[at]
