Go beyond the alert
XSScope is one of the most advanced GUI Frameworks for XSS Client-side attacks. It can perform different XSS attacks and HTML Injections in real-time.
- Perform XSS botnet attack(s). Every victim who is affected by the XSS payload (in the webserver), will constantly bind the payload and wait for commands from the attacker. A bind payload is one that waits for a connection from its controller.
- HTTP Flood (DDos) via XSS botnets
- Generates a Port Forwarding TCP and a Local PHP Server as well
- Automatic payload generator for Bug Hunting (Blind, Stored, Reflected & DOM XSS)
- Generate Local HTTP Server
Spying Features
- Camera Hijacking
- Get victim’s saved credentials from the vulnerable website
- Gather information about the victim (Browser, version, Operating System, User-Agent, Cookie (if any), Java enabled, Online status, Language used, Cookie enabled)
- Keylogger
- Screenshot victim’s browser
- Get victim’s real-time location
- Execute .NET Shellcode commands
- Force download malicious file
HTML code injection
- Generate Phishing Websites with 2 clicks using pre-generated HTML codes such as:
- Amazon
- Line
- Steam
- Twitch
- Verizon
- WiFi (expired session)
- Generate Website Defacion with 2 clicks using an HTML template
- Import HTML file from external file
- Add your own HTML code
Arbitrary Javascript code execution
- Execute Javascript code into the victim’s browser once a shell is opened in your listener
Funny modules:
- Change every link on the website
- Change every image on the website
- Clickjacker (redirect to another URI once user click somewhere on the website)
Install & Use
Copyright (C) 2021 kleiton0x00