zynix-Fusion is a framework that aims to centralize, standardize and simplify the use of various security tools for pentest professionals. zynix-Fusion (old name: Linux evil toolkit) has few simple commands, one of which is the init function that allows you to define a target, and thus use all the tools without typing anything else.
Is zynix-Fusion better than setoolkit? Yes and no, there are two that serve the same thing and in a different way, the Zynix-Fusion and an automated attack information automation script.
§ 1 About use
This script was made to automate the steps of gathering information about web targets, the misuse, and the responsibility of the user, to report bugs or make suggestions open a report on github.
§ 2 About simple_scan
Automap was replaced by simple_scan, it is lighter and faster, in addition to being less detectable, now it has different modes of execution that make it possible from a quick and simple execution to more complex modes.
§ 3 About Console
The output of the script can be extremely long, so see if your console, (gnome-terminal, cmd, konsole) is configured to display 1000 lines (I particularly recommend 10,000 lines), for professional purposes it allows the documentation, it records the commands, exits, and formats the text.
Changelog v8.0
New shell commands
New plugins
New banner
New Functions
new Wordlists
Fixed bugs
Tested code
"-sS" --> "TCP SYN + [portlist]: TCP SYN discovery probes to given ports"
"-sA" --> "ACK + [portlist]: TCP ACK discovery probes to given ports"
"-sU" --> "UDP Scan + [portlist]: TCP UDP discovery probes to given ports"
Kernel.compress | Compress files
Kernel.extract | Extract files
Kernel.cover | Covers your tracks and logs
Kernel.port_scanner | Repleced by automap
Kernel.note | Create simple notes
Kernel.search | Search whois, emails, banner grep
Kernel.dns_scanner | Scan for 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA'
Kernel.dir_scanner | Brute force for search files and folders
Kernel.simple_scan | Runs an automatic scanner with nmap
Kernel backend
Kernel.get_time | Set time
Kernel.session | Create sessions
Kernel.init | Init variables
Kernel.set | Set value and show message
Kernel.sys | Execute system command
Kernel.assembly | Backend function
Kernel.exec | Backend function
From Visual module
Visual.banner | Function for show text
Visual.web_dns | Function for show text
Visual.linux_files | Function for show text
Visual.linux_folders | Function for show text
Visual.linux_util | Function for show text
Visual.tor_search | Function for show text
Visual.tor_alt | Function for show text
From Interpreter module
Shell.shell | Backend function :: select an option
Shell.main | Backend function :: main loop
From FakeDump module
FakeDump.fakeEmail | Genate fake emails
FakeDump.cpf | Genate fake cpf
FakeDump.gem | Genate fake names (Brazilian, Latino and Portuquese only)
FakeDump.idhash | Genate hash com string
FakeDump.simple_dump | Genate return a simples string with data
FakeDump.dump_xml | Genate return xml code with data
FakeDump.simple_call | Genate Simple function for select xml or txt output file