Azur3Alph4 is a PowerShell module that automates red-team tasks for ops on an objective. This module situates in a post-breach (RCE achieved) position. Token extraction and many other tools will not execute successfully without starting in this position. This module should be used for further enumeration and movement in a compromised app that is part of a managed identity.
Azur3Alph4 is currently in development. Modules are being worked on and updated. Most of this is still untested.
Scripts are in the repo for individual use and easy identification, but the .psm1 file is what will be consistently updated.
Function List
Enumerates an Azure endpoint to verify whether or not it belongs to a managed identity.
Grabs the Managed Identity Token from the endpoint using the extracted secret. Stores the value in a given variable.
Takes a username and password variable and automates SecureString conversion and connects to an Azure account.
Gets the subscription ID using the REST API for Azure.
Uses the subscription ID to enumerate all resources that are accessible.