CANalyse is a tool built to analyze the log files to find out unique datasets automatically and able to connect to simple user interfaces such as Telegram. Basically, while using this tool the attacker can provide a bot-ID and use the tool over the internet through telegram-bot. CANalyse is made to be placed inside a raspberry-PI and able to exploit the vehicle through a telegram bot by recording and analysing the network traffic/data logs, like a hardware backdoor planted in a car.
A prerequisite to using this tool is that the Hardware implant is already installed in the car and capable of communicating with the Network/communication channels inside the vehicle.
Tool Layout
git clone
cd CANalyse
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- If the tool dumps “No such device” error or you can’t view any traffic, check if the interface & communication channel in settings.
- if the auto-installation of required libraries didn’t work try running with sudo once or install them manually.
- If you are not able to execute commands properly, do check the ” menu “.
Copyright (C) 2021 KartheekLade