Category: Forensics


AutomatedProfiler: Automated forensics

AutomatedProfiler will parse an image utilizing RegRipper, RECmd, and various PowerShell cmdlets. The output of the script will be in a text file called ‘profiler.txt’ and will contain information about...

Modern Honey Network

Modern Honey Network (MHN)

Modern Honey Network MHN is a centralized server for management and data collection of honeypots. MHN allows you to deploy sensors quickly and to collect data immediately, viewable from a...

MTPot: Open Source Telnet Honeypot

CymmetriaResearch MTPot is a simple open source honeypot, released under the MIT license for the use of the community. Cymmetria Research, 2016. Please consider trying out the MazeRunner Community Edition, the...

Rekall Memory Forensic Framework

The Rekall Forensic and Incident Response Framework The Rekall Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the Apache and GNU General Public License, for the...

aumfor: Automated Memory Forensic

aumfor: Automated Memory Forensic

##AUMFOR (AUTOMATIC MEMORY FORENSIC) ##About AUMFOR AUMFOR is Automated Memory Forensic is GUI based Tool for helping Forensic Investigator by performing all complex and tedious work automatically, it also analyzes...


hontel: Telnet Honeypot

HonTel HonTel is a Honeypot for Telnet service. Basically, it is a Python v2.x application emulating the service inside the chroot environment. Originally it has been designed to be run inside the Ubuntu...

antipwny: host based IDS for detecting meterpreter session

antipwny Authors: Rohan Vazarkar, David Bitner A host-based IDS/IPS written in C#, targeted at Metasploit Payloads. Current Features Scans Registry for Meterpreter Persistence/MetSvc Active Memory Scans to detect Meterpreter IDS/IPS...