Spaces finder Spaces finder is a tool to quickly enumerate DigitalOcean Spaces to look for loot. It’s similar to...
Web Information Gathering
SocialPath SocialPath is a Django application for gathering social media intelligence on a specific username. It checks...
aztarna Alias Robotics supports original robot manufacturers assessing their security and improving their quality of software. By...
Fav-up IP lookup from favicon using Shodan Lookups for real IP starting from the favicon icon and...
pOSINT Gather Open-Source Intelligence using PowerShell. Install git clone Save the parent project directory, pOSINT, to...
Metaforge An OSINT tool that analyzes metadata and creates dynamic reports Supported Filetypes dll | docx |...
grinder Internet-connected Devices Census Python Framework The Grinder framework was created to automatically enumerate and fingerprint different...
shhgit: find GitHub secrets in real-time Shhgit finds secrets and sensitive files across GitHub code committed in...
assetfinder Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain. Implemented certspotter hackertarget threatcrowd wayback machine...
h2t – HTTP Hardening Tool h2t is a simple tool to help sysadmins to harden their websites. Until...
gitGraber gitGraber is a tool developed in Python3 to monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data...
Shodmon The Shodan monitoring tools allow you to monitor shodan listed servers basis on the filter you...
What’s wrong with my email (WWWE) A tool to help you check if your email(s) have appeared...
Shodan Eye This tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet...
Shodan Shodan, the official definition of himself Computer Search Engine (Computer Resource Search Engine), is American man...