Nuclei – Burp Extension A simple extension that allows to run nuclei scanner directly from burp and...
Web Information Gathering
GitLab Watchman GitLab Watchman is an application that uses the GitLab API to audit GitLab for sensitive...
DotGit An extension for checking if .git is exposed in visited websites Features Check if a .git/.svn/.hg...
darvester PoC Discord user and guild information harvester Data logged for each user: Users’ profile created date,...
dora Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of the keys...
Driftwood Driftwood is a tool that can enable you to look up whether a private key is...
sigurlfind3r A passive reconnaissance tool for known URLs discovery – it gathers a list of URLs passively...
Second Order Scans web applications for second-order subdomain takeover by crawling the app, and collecting URLs (and...
gh-dork – Github dorking tool Supply a list of dorks and, optionally, one of the following: a...
STEWS: Security Testing and Enumeration of WebSockets STEWS is a tool suite for security testing of WebSockets...
gitrecon OSINT tool to get information from a Github or Gitlab profile and find user’s email addresses...
Snap Scraper Snap Scraper is an open-source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to...
Toutatis Toutatis is a tool that allows you to extract information from Instagrams accounts such as e-mails,...
Kali Intelligence Suite Kali Intelligence Suite (KIS) shall aid in the fast, autonomous, central, and comprehensive collection...
Rescope Rescope is a cli-tool (written in Go) that aims to make life easier when defining scopes...