cuishark: A protocol analyzer like a wireshark on CUI


A protocol analyzer like a Wireshark on CUI. It is very-powerful protocol analyzer which has really rich UI. And you can use such a rich UI for protocol analysis on just CUI without GUI. It is using libwireshark for the protocol dissection, so you can analyze many protocols and your network debug makes better with Cuishark.



$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git checkout -b proto-v0.2.0 origin/proto-v0.2.0
$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && go install
$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && go install
$ sudo cp $GOPATH/bin/cuishark /usr/local/bin

Before you use cuishark, if you want to analyze server-side network interface, you must login via ssh and capture with some packet capture (ex. tshark and tcpdump). And you must forward capture file to your laptop via SCP. Finally, you can analyze the capture file with wireshrk. like-a above of the following image.

It makes that procedure for analyze server-side network interface better. You can analyze directory on the target server with cui. You don’t need GUI for analysis. like-a under of the following image.


Copyright (C) 2018 

  • name: Hiroki Shirokura
  • email:
  • twitter: @slankdev
  • facebook: hiroki.shirokura