Here are a collection of vulnerable ARM binaries designed for beginner vulnerability researchers & exploit developers to play around with and test their skills!
These binaries are all built as ARMv7 Mach-O executables (unless specified otherwise) so it is recommended that you use a 32bit jailbroken iOS device with radare2 or another debugging utility installed to test them.
ARM 32-bit
roplevel1 – simple introduction to Return Oriented Programming with a simple objective
roplevel2 – same idea as level 1 but with a new objective
roplevel3 – more advanced use of ROP
roplevel4 – dealing with ASLR (infoleak)
roplevel5 – same as lvl4 but requires exploitation of format string vuln for the info leak
roplevel6 – execute ROP chain by making use of a stack pivot
roplevel7 – off-by-one vulnerability
heaplevel1 – simple heap-based overflow example
heaplevel2 – Use-After-Free exploit
heaplevel3 – double free()
Xylex – real-world(ish) example system
ARM 64-bit
roplevel1-64 – 64-bit version of roplevel1
roplevel6-64 – 64-bit version of roplevel6
Help & Guidance
Write-ups/explanations on some of the binaries can be found on YouTube channels here and here.
If you have any questions or requests for future exploitation challenges, tweet me @bellis1000
Author @bellis1000