This project is a command-line tool that can be used to generate ‘fragroute-like’ tests using Scapy.
Fragroute‘s goal was to intercept network packets and modify them “on-the-fly” according to the configuration defined in a config file. So automating tests of different modifications, requires to kill Fragroute, write a new config file and restart Fragroute over and over.
Fragscapy is a rewrite in Python using fnfqueue and scapy packages that aim to generate a test suite based on a config file. In a certain way, it will generates a series of ‘fragroute-like’ tests and run them consecutively without having to reload everything. Moreover, the modifications can be extended by adding some python modules to the project. So instead of fragroute, the set of possible modifications is not definitive and any modification can be applied to packets as long one can write them using Scapy.
Code architecture
Here is a schema of how the different objects interact together and what they are doing.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Maël KERVELLA