hackerEnv is an automation tool that quickly and easily sweeps IPs and scan ports, vulnerabilities, and exploits them. Then, it hands you an interactive shell for further testing. Also, it generates HTML and docx reports. It uses other tools such as nmap, nikto, Metasploit, and hydra. Works in Kali Linux and Parrot OS. Do not run it in Qterminal, works in gnome-terminal, terminator, and tmux. I am adding features and vulnerabilities exploits consistently. Also, soon there will be a GUI version. This tool was NOT coded by a professional, “I do not know what i am doing”. By running this program, you are agreeing on NOT running it against any public, corporate or unauthorized networks. Performed only when you have the authorization to do. Greetz to @R2k4n
cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/abdulr7mann/hackerEnv.git
cd /opt/hackerEnv
chmod +x hackerEnv
ln -s /opt/hackerEnv/hackerEnv /usr/local/bin/
Author: abdulr7mann
Source: https://github.com/abdulr7mann/