go get github.com/ProfessionallyEvil/harpoon
-c, –check_for_docker_sock try and find the docker socket on the system, only works if it’s named docker.sock
-d, –dump_container_list if the docker socket was found then try to query it for a JSON blob of the containers on the host
-e, –exploit_docker_sock if the socket was found, try to create a container with host /etc/ mounted and attach a shell
-g, –check_cgroup check the cgroup files for container runtimes, :/docker/, :/garden/, etc
-f, –find use find to try and locate any files with a container runtime in the name
-m, –check_mac check the eth0 mac address, docker assigns in a somewhat predictable manner, UNRELIABLE CHECK
-s, –docker_sock <socket_path> specify the path to the docker socket, this is needed for –dump_container_list and –exploit
-h, –help show this help
–default run all the options
Copyright (c) 2018 Professionally Evil