Simple wrapper around some of the features of Rubeus and KrbRelay (and a few other honorable mentions in the acknowledgments section) in order to streamline the abuse of the following attack primitive:
- (Optional) New machine account creation (New-MachineAccount)
- Local machine account auth coercion (KrbRelay)
- Kerberos relay to LDAP (KrbRelay)
- Add RBCD privs and obtain privileged ST to the local machine (Rubeus)
- Using said ST to authenticate to the local Service Manager and create a new service as NT/SYSTEM. (SCMUACBypass)
This is essentially a universal no-fix local privilege escalation in Windows domain environments where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).
Mitigation & Detection
- Enforce LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding to mitigate the relay of the machine account KRB auth to LDAP. This can be configured via the “Domain Controller: LDAP server signing requirements” GPO. (Thank you Will Dormann for your tweet on this matter)
- Make the attack requirements harder to obtain by setting the MS-DS-Machine-Account-Quota attribute in AD to 0, thus removing the ability of any user to add a new machine account to the domain. This is a dangerous default setting in AD – make sure you change it.
- Setting the flag “Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated” on all admin accounts (or put them in protected users) would make it so there is no account with the privileges required that can be delegated in order to complete the attack path. (Thanks to Christoph Falta for this tweet)
- Resources for possible monitoring and detection rules:
- https://github.com/tsale/Sigma_rules/blob/main/windows_exploitation/KrbRelayUp.yml (@Kostastsale)
- https://twitter.com/SBousseaden/status/1518976397364056071 (@SBousseaden). Mainly the rule about authentication to Service Manager via Kerberos from, Great Work!.
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-dwyer-xforce_threathunting-threatdetection-blueteam-activity-6924739962131140608-py45/ (John Dwyer @TactiKoolSec)
- https://twitter.com/cyb3rops/status/1519241598311321601 (@cyb3rops)