Mediator is an end-to-end encrypted reverse shell in which the operator and the shell connect to a “mediator” server that bridges the connections. This removes the need for the operator/handler to set up port forwarding in order to listen for the connection. It also allows for easy integration into other pentesting and incident response tools.
Inspired by end-to-end encrypted chat applications, this reverse shell takes a unique approach to the client/server model of a reverse shell. This reverse shell uses:
- A client reverse shell
- A client handler/operator
- A server that bridges the two connections
Reverse shells and handlers connect to the mediator server with a connection key. The server listens on port 80 for handler connections and port 443 for reverse shell connections. When clients connect to the mediator, the server queues the clients according to their respective type and connection key. When both a reverse shell and an operator connect to the server with the same key, the server will bridge the two connections. From there, a key exchange is done between the two clients, and all communication between the reverse shell and operator is encrypted end-to-end. This ensures the server cannot snoop on the streams it is piping.
Tips and Reminders:
- REMINDER: handlers and reverse shells will not be bridged together unless they connect to the mediator server using the same connection key within 30 seconds of each other.
- TIP: You can easily create an exe for with pyinstaller using the –onefile flag
- TIP: For security, you should use a randomly generated connection key for each session. If a malicious party learns your connection key and spams the operator port with it, your operator client will be unable to connect due to the server not allowing duplicate connections, and they will be connected to your target’s shell.
Install & Use
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