Add comments to a scan, mark specific ports red, and generate an HTML report with the annotations:
$ ./nmap-parse-output scan.xml comment-ports '8080,' 'this port should be filtered'
| ./nmap-parse-output - mark-ports '8080,' red
| ./nmap-parse-output - comment-hosts '' 'look further into this host'
| ./nmap-parse-output - html > test.html
Remove all ports found in scan-before.xml from scan-after.xml and write the output to filtered-scan.xml
Converts/manipulates/extracts data from nmap scan XML output.
-u, --unfinished-scan try to read an unfinished scan output
Extract Data Commands:
Generates a line break separated list of all hosts. Can be used to perform an additional scan on this hosts.
Can be useful to generate a list of IPs for masscan with nmap (masscan has a more limited support for IP lists):
nmap -Pn -n -sL -iL input.lst -oX all-ips.xml; nmap-parse-output all-ips.xml all-hosts
banner [service-name]
Extracts a list of all ports with a specific service (e.g. http, ms-wbt-server, smtp) in host:port format.
Note: This command is intended for the masscan XML output only.
Extracts all ports in host:port format, which either admin-prohibited or tcpwrapped.
Extracts a list of all *open* ports in host:port format and marks the protocol type (tcp, udp)
Extracts a list of all *open* ports in host:port format.
hosts-to-port [port]
Extracts a list of all hosts that have the given port open in 'host (hostname)' format.
Generates a line break separated list of all hosts with open ports. Can be used to perform an additional scan on this hosts.
Generates a line separated list of HTTP(s) all ports.
Currently, the following services are detected as HTTP: http, https, http-alt, https-alt, http-proxy, sip, rtsp (potentially incomplete)
Extracts a list of HTTP HTML titles in the following format:
host:port HTML title
Shows the parameters passed to nmap of the runned scan
port-info [port]
Extracts a list of extra information about the given port in the following format:
port;service name;http title
Generates a comma-separated list of all ports. Can be used to verify if open/closed ports reachable from another host or generate port lists for specific environments. Filter closed/filtered ports.
Extracts all detected product names.
Extracts all detected service names.
service [service-name]
Extracts a list of all *open* ports with a specific service (e.g. http, ms-wbt-server, smtp) in host:port format.
Extracts a list of TLS/SSL ports with the commonName and Subject Alternative Name in the following format:
host:port commonName X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
Extracts a list of all TLS ports in host:port format. Works only after a script scan. Can be used to do a scan.
Example command (generates a text and HTML report for each host):
for f in `cat ~/ssl-hosts.txt`; do ./ --logfile ~/$f.log --htmlfile ~/$f.html $f; done
Manipulate Scan Commands:
comment-hosts [hosts] [comment]
Comments a list of hosts in scan result. Expects a comma-separated list as input. The comment will be displayed in the HTML report.
nmap-parse-output scan.xml comment-hosts ',' 'allowed services' | nmap-parse-output - html > report.html
You can comment hosts from another scan, too:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml comment-hosts $(./ scan-subnet.xml hosts | tr "\n" ",") 'this host was scanned in subnet, too.'
comment-ports [ports] [comment]
Comments a list of ports or hosts with port (in address:port format) in scan result. Expects a comma-separated list as input. The comment will be displayed in the HTML report.
nmap-parse-output scan.xml comment-ports '80,' 'allowed services' | nmap-parse-output - html > report.html
You can comment services, too:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml comment-ports $(./ scan.xml service http | tr "\n" ",") 'this is a http port'
exclude-ports [ports]
Excludes a list of ports or ports of a specific host (in address:port format) from a scan result. Expects a comma-separated list as input.
You can pipe the output, for instance:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml exclude '80,443,' | nmap-parse-output - service-names
exclude [hosts]
Excludes a list of hosts from scan result by its IP address. Expects a comma-separated list as input.
You can pipe the output, for instance:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml exclude ',' | nmap-parse-output - service-names
include-ports [ports]
Filter a scan by a list of ports or ports of a specific host (in address:port format) so that only the specified ports are in the output. Expects a comma-separated list as input.
You can pipe the output, for instance:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml include-ports '80,443,' | nmap-parse-output - http-title
include [hosts]
Filter a scan by a list of hosts so that only the specified hosts are in the output.
Filter a list of hosts from scan result by its IP address. Expects a comma-separated list as input.
You can pipe the output, for instance:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml include ',' | nmap-parse-output - service-names
mark-ports [ports] [color]
Marks a list of ports or hosts with port (in address:port format) with the given color in scan result. Expects a comma-separated list as input. The comment will be displayed in the HTML report.
nmap-parse-output scan.xml mark-ports '80,' red | nmap-parse-output - html > report.html
Removes all hosts where all ports a filtered. Can be used to generate a smaller HTML report.
Example usage to generate HTML report:
nmap-parse-output scan.xml reachable | nmap-parse-output - html > scan.html
Convert Scan Commands:
Converts the XML output into a fancy HTML report based on Bootstrap.
Note: This HTML report requests JS/CSS libs from CDNs. However, the generated file uses the no-referrer meta tag and subresource integrity to protect the confidentiality.
Converts a XML output into a HTML report
Converts a nmap scan output to JSON