A Red Team-oriented simple HTTP & WebDAV server written in C# with functionality to capture Net-NTLM hashes. To be used for serving payloads on compromised machines for lateral movement purposes.
Requires .NET Framework 4.5 and System.Net and System.Net.Sockets references.
:: SharpWebServer ::
a Red Team oriented C# Simple HTTP & WebDAV Server with Net-NTLM hashes capture functionality
- Dominic Chell (@domchell) from MDSec - Net-NTLM hashes capture code borrowed from Farmer
- Mariusz B. / mgeeky, <mb [at] binary-offensive.com> - WebDAV implementation, NTLM Authentication keep-alive,
all the rest.
port - TCP Port number on which to listen (1-65535)
dir - Directory with files to be hosted.
verbose - Turn verbose mode on.
seconds - Specifies how long should the server be running. Default: indefinitely
ntlm - Require NTLM Authentication before serving files. Useful to collect NetNTLM hashes
(in MDSec's Farmer style)
logfile - Path to output logfile.
Example use-case serving files and capturing Net-NTLM hashes at the same time:
:: SharpWebServer ::
a Red Team oriented C# Simple HTTP & WebDAV Server with Net-NTLM hashes capture functionality
[.] Serving HTTP server on port : 8888
[.] Will run for this long : 60 seconds
[.] Verbose mode turned on.
[.] NTLM mode turned on.
[.] Serving files from directory : C:\Windows\Temp
WebDAV change directory: cd \\host@port\webdav doesn’t work at the moment.
Browsing WebDAV while ntlm=true does not return file contents as of yet.
NTLM Authentication doesn’t keep state, so whenever using WebDAV multiple PROPFIND queries get sent – each of these requests will have to be authenticated (extending time of service)