Supernova is an open-source Golang tool that empowers users to securely encrypt their raw shellcodes. Additionally, it offers automatic conversion of the encrypted shellcode into formats compatible with various programming languages, including:
- C
- C#
- Rust
- Nim
It supports a variety of different ciphers, including:
- RC4
Supernova is written in Golang, a cross-platform language, enabling its use on both Windows and Linux systems.
About Dynamic Variable Name
A dynamic variable name is employed to insert the desired variable name for the shellcode payload. This approach imparts dynamism to the output code by incorporating variables, thereby enhancing the code’s copy-and-paste utility.
Use a dynamic variable name with a -v switch and provide your preferred value.
The default value of the dynamic variable name is shellcode.
Dynamic Variable Name Example
Here is a simple example demonstrating how the dynamic variable name operates.
An attacker uses XOR encryption and utilizes the C# language option in conjunction with the variable setting as value nickvourd :
.\Supernova.exe -i C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.bin -enc xor -lang csharp -k 2 -v nickvourd
About Debug
The debug mode is useful if you want to observe the original payload in a selected programming language. To activate this functionality, you need to include the -d option.
Debug Example
Here is a simple example illustrating the functioning of the debug option.
An adversary uses ROT encryption and utilizes the C# language option in conjunction with the debug option:
.\Supernova.exe -i C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.bin -enc rot -lang csharp -k 2 -d
About Output File
The output option is indicated by the -o switch, followed by the desired value, allowing you to save the encrypted payload into a file.
Output File Example
Here is a simple example illustrating the functioning of the output option.
An attacker uses RC4 encryption and utilizes the C language option in conjunction with the output option and a desired filename:
.\Supernova.exe -i C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.bin -enc rc4 -lang c -k 3 -o shellcode.bin
Changelog v1.1
- Added AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC and AES-256-CBC.
- Key option supports AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC and AES-256-CBC
- Added two new languages GO, Python.
- Host Identifier module removed
Copyright (c) 2023 Nikos Vourdas