The notorious espionage group Daggerfly, also known as Evasive Panda and Bronze Highland, has undergone a significant...
On Monday, Google released the July 2024 security patches for the Android operating system, which address several...
Cybersecurity researchers at Zscaler ThreatLabz have uncovered a sophisticated Android banking trojan called Anatsa (also known as...
Google has revealed in their April 2024 Pixel Update Bulletin that several serious security flaws could be...
On Monday, Google unveiled a comprehensive update addressing a total of 38 vulnerabilities within the Android ecosystem,...
Google, a titan in the digital realm, has once again demonstrated its commitment to user security with...
Recently, a new menace has surfaced in the Android ecosystem. Dubbed ‘SpyLoan’, these apps, camouflaged as benign...
According to the latest report from Dr.Web, a company specializing in cybersecurity, October 2023 witnessed a significant...
Google has released the October 2023 security updates for Android devices running OS versions 11, 12, and...
A security flaw in the Android App Pin feature could be abused by an attacker to make...
Google has yet again proven its commitment to user security by releasing its monthly security updates for...
Google this week announced the August 2023 security updates for Android devices, with patches for over 48...
June 2023 comes with a gust of vigilance for Android users. Google, in its most recent security...
Google has started rolling out this month’s security updates for its mobile operating system platform to address...
Google has started rolling out this month’s security updates for its mobile operating system platform to address...